
Creswell, John W. ( w 4 rekordach )

  1. Research design / John W. Creswell. - 2nd ed. - Thousand Oaks, 2003
  1. Creswell, John W.
  2. Creswell, John W. (pol.) Research design
  3. Creswell, John W. (ang.) Research design
  1. Designing and conducting mixed methods research / Creswell, John W.
  2. Projektowanie badań naukowych : metody jakościowe, ilościowe i mieszane / Creswell, John W.
  3. Qualitative inquiry & research design : choosing among five approaches / Creswell, John W.
  4. Research design : qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches / Creswell, John W.